Tuesday, December 29, 2009

All My Best Frieand

All are my best frieand,
on whom i can always count on,
who always close to me,
All are my frieand,
i never make excuses,
and never lies,
who know what i am thinking,
All are my frieand,
to whom i would like,
i don't have precious gift for you,
only smile.....(click)
I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, with out you.
All my best friend.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

New Years Prayer

Dear Allah,
Thank You for the sense of
direction, purpose and peace we get
from aligning our lives with Your Holy will.
We pray for the strength and the will to obey You
each and every day of the new year,
and when we fail, we pray for Your mercy,
In the new year, we pray
that You will guide us each new day
in paths that are pleasing to You.
Your compassion, Your grace and Your love.
Help us in the new year to be Your faithful servants.
In ALLAH name we pray

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Why wars in our world?
When would we stop wars?
Where is another word for war?
What would end wars in our world?
When would the wicked onesStop winning us to war?
When would we stop weeping from wars?
When we can weigh our word
And with wisdom mend our fences
When we can weigh our chances
And with wisdom weaken our warful utterances
And in a warm way win with words
Why wars in our own world?
When would we put out the fire of wars?
Where are our generals for peace
Who will with wisdom make war cease?
What will make our wise ones win with words?
When would the wicked ones stop winning us to wars?
What wars can win is nothing but bulletsPain,
unwelcomed wants and unnecessary needs
What words can win is something
more meaningful
Than battles, tanks, riffles and bombs
Why do we have to wait for war?
When we can willingly wake with words
What war can win
Words with wisdom will warmly win!

Peaceful Prayers

Let there be peace in the world.
Let us all see peace and not war.
Let us all have peace in the world.
Let all our statesmen know no violence,
Let all love peace with warm vehemence,
Let all be clothed with passionate patience,
Let all respect peace with real reverence.
Let peace pervade every political terrain,
Let peace calm the spirits of every domain,
Let peace be at peace with every reign,
Let each achieve peace with poor pain,
to you we plead:
come to us.
we entreat you:
deign on us.
we want you:
envelope us.
Let our homes.
be adorned with peace,
Let our streets be paved with peace,
Let our cities be set on a hilltop of peace.
Let peace taint our every thought.
Let there be peace,
let peace never cease
Let there be peace,
let war forever cease.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Untuk teman -teman setia

AKU lari seketika dari.. tajuk aku...

Buat semua teman...tatkala aku menggunjunggi blog semua....kadangkala sang nuff sleep..ada yg kluar.. kecuali satu blog yg aku singgah tidak menghampakan aku walaupun sang nuff tak muncul..BLOG IZZAH FARHANA....
setiap kunjunggan aku pasti aku memberi senyuman $mile pada nya....bermaksud $mile disini aku meng -klik 1 iklan bidvertiser dimana sang nuff tiada. Jadi kunjungan aku tak sia-sia......tak susah untuk klik.....Klik satu iklan dari BIDVERTISER..... PASTU TUNGGU HABIS DAN PADAMKAN......amat mudah............untuk semua member aku harap agar pasanglah dua atau 3 iklan selain nuff..

Sekurang-kurangnya setiap kunjungan tak sia-sia....selain google bidvertiser pun ada potensi...dalam penjanaan wang di internet.....

tak rugi untuk pasang dua iklan...
Sepanjang aku bergiat dalam nuffnangers ini hanya ada dua tiga blog sahaja yang mesang ads....lebih dari satu...harapan ku agar semua member nuff pasang iklan lain...Aku bukan nak ambil kesempatan ini....Tetapi ingin berkongsi sedikit pengalaman dari apa yang aku dah perolehi....

Keputusan di tangan anda....aku sekadar membuka ruang .....
Ini link untuk registrations..

u/p: sila daftar sebagi publisher...
Semoga kita sama-sama dapat manfaatnya...